Nov 20, 2019 | News, Newsletter
Lisa Vacamena Lisa has recently joined our team as a Community Engagement Officer utilising her background in Indigenous health and case management. Lisa will be travelling to some NT communities and town camps looking at Telco debt in these areas. She looks forward...
May 20, 2019 | News, Newsletter
Trevor Cleland Trevor joined our team in May as the Financial Capability & No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) Officer. He has worked in Central Australia for many years and has a great knowledge of the community services sector. Trevor started his outreach visits to...
Feb 15, 2019 | News, Newsletter
We are very fortunate to welcome more great people to our team. Please meet; Veronica James, Administration Trainee. Veronica joined our team in February in the Alice Springs office. Veronica is super smart and has been learning her role quickly. She will be starting...