EEW Training: What’s next?

EEW Training: What’s next?

Since completing the first training session in Umuwa, we have engaged with the Energy Education Workers to follow up on how they enjoyed the training session, if they received their wages and if they had any questions about their role or any other concerns about the...
EEW Training: Umuwa CPH and Solar Farm Tour

EEW Training: Umuwa CPH and Solar Farm Tour

After a few days spent in the classroom learning about where electricity comes from, our Energy Education Workers were given the opportunity to tour the Umuwa Central Power House (CPH) and the new solar farm currently under construction. None of the workers had been...
Energy Education Worker Training

Energy Education Worker Training

On Saturday 17 April, the Pawa Atunmankunytjaku team headed out across the APY Lands to pick up workers from every community and take them to the Umuwa Trade Training Centre for a week of paid training. On Sunday as the workers arrived, they were very happy with their...
Energy Education Worker Recruitment Success

Energy Education Worker Recruitment Success

By Lisa Rogers (Trainer/Mentor) Trainer/Mentors Ben and Lisa have been recruiting on the APY Lands for Energy Education Workers (EEW). Approximately 16 community members have signed up for the position across the lands. Don’t worry if you were wanting to apply...
Smart Meter Installations Begin

Smart Meter Installations Begin

Cowell Electric are installing new Smart Meters for the SA Government on all houses, businesses and other buildings in the APY Lands, Yalata and Oak Valley. Installations will begin in March 2021. Notices with scheduled installation dates have been posted in each...