Energy Education Worker Recruitment Success

Mar 5, 2021 | Pawa Atunmankunytjaku

By Lisa Rogers (Trainer/Mentor)

Trainer/Mentors Ben and Lisa have been recruiting on the APY Lands for Energy Education Workers (EEW). Approximately 16 community members have signed up for the position across the lands. Don’t worry if you were wanting to apply and thought it was too late, we are still looking for more Champion EEWs!

Like most projects we have had a few delays due to the weather. At one stage we were delayed a week travelling due to the rain and road conditions but we did manage to travel the following week and what a drive it was. If you have time check out the photos below. 

While out in the communities it was great to see community members showing an interest and asking questions about the paid power scheme the SA Government are introducing later this year.

Coming up later this month we will all be attending the week long training session out at Umuwa and what fun that is going to be for the mentors going out and picking up the Champion Energy Workers from each community. Can you imagine how quiet the drive might be compared to when the mentors drop the EEW’s back home after the training session. The vehicles will be hopefully full of chatter, jokes and a good laugh as we have all got to know each other more over the training session.

Well that’s enough from me but don’t forget if you want to know more about the Pawa Atunmankunytjaku Project or becoming a Champion Energy Education Worker in your own community please contact Lisa on 0436 431 789 or ring the main office in Alice Springs on 08 8953 2410.

Money Mob recently partnered with the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) to deliver information sessions to aged care residents in Atitjere, Ti Tree, Wilora, Willowra, Laramba, Yuelamu and Lajamanu.

Alongside the residents, staff and carers had a chance to learn skills in financial literacy, saving goals, debt, financial abuse, humbug and making informed decisions when spending.

We provide practical financial literacy training services for individuals to gain confidence and competence in essential financial life skills.

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Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

The Pawa Atunmankunytjaku team headed to Adelaide on Tuesday 27 June to present on everything we had learnt over the past three years. We were lucky to be joined by Dora, Denise and Irene who had made their own way from Yalata community to Adelaide. We attended a...