Trevor Cleland Trevor joined our team in May as the Financial Capability & No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) Officer. He has worked in Central Australia for many years and has a great knowledge of the community services sector. Trevor started his outreach visits to...
Talking Posters in Mimili
Here are some more smiling faces of Betty, Eliza, Teresa and Teddy as well as Tania and Roxanne in Mimili. They have been listening to the ‘Fast Loans’ talking poster that MoneyMob has displayed at the Mimili Wellbeing Centre.
Westpac Pop up
We were happy to be part of the Westpac pop-up bank in April of this year. Westpac visited Indulkana, Mimili, Pukatja, Pipalyatjara, Kanpi and Amata assisting Anangu with new cards, new pin numbers and bank transfers. They also taught people internet banking and...
Fast Loans Talking poster
Recorded audio in Pitjantjatjara language.
Payday Loans Talking Posters
Check out our talking poster that tells a story of a young woman who got one of those quick, easy loans for a TV. Two months later she can’t repay the loan. She asks her Aunty what to do. The talking poster is in Pitjantjatjara and is displayed in each community at...
Media Releases and Interviews
"Listen to MoneyMob Talkabout Managing Director Carolyn Cartwright talking about the impact of the Banking Royal Commission on issues that affect Anangu." Podcasts of the full show are available on the Paper Tracker website: Full...
Westpac Pop Up Bank
Westpac will be visiting the APY Lands from 8 - 18 April to do a mobile banking service with Anangu. They will be able to help with; Updating personal details (name, address phone number) Opening and closing accounts Updating signatures Cards and online/phone banking...
Phones Project
Our phones project is back! Our new community Engagement Officer, David (mentioned below) started in March and will be going to the APY Lands to talk more to Anangu about buying phones, plans and how to deal with bills. He will be looking for malpas in each...
New Staff
We are very fortunate to welcome more great people to our team. Please meet; Veronica James, Administration Trainee. Veronica joined our team in February in the Alice Springs office. Veronica is super smart and has been learning her role quickly. She will be starting...
Changes to Super Laws
From 1 July, there are some changes happening to superannuation laws. These are: A cap on fees if there is less than $6000 in a super account If there have been no payments into your super account for 16 months, the super mob can take away any insurance on that...