Shopping Smart film about Phones
Thinking of buying a phone on a plan? Listen to this smart shopper first, to get all the information you need.
Christmas & New years message/ Closure dates
From all of us here at MoneyMob, we thank you for a great year and Wish you a safe and Happy Christmas and New Years. Money Mob offices in Alice springs and Pukatja will be closed for 2 weeks over the Christmas break. We will be closed from: Monday 23rd December 2019...
Stop the Debt Trap Campaign
MoneyMob strongly supports the Stop the Debt Trap campaign for reform to the small amount credit contracts legislation. Small amount credit contracts are also known as "payday loans" and trap Australians into high-cost, crippling debt. Indigenous Australians on low...
Changes to some Centrelink payments in 2020
In March 2020, a new JobSeeker payment will become the main payment for people who can work between 22 years of age to aged pension. This payment is for people; looking for workprepared to meet mutual obligation requirements (activities)have a job but can't work or...
Highlights and achievements for Money Mob for 2019
Tax Help This tax season, our staff volunteered as tax helpers to allow Anangu access to a tax return service on the APY Lands. It was a great experience and made easier with Anangu registering for MY Gov and linking to the ATO. We achieved: 82 tax returns, 62 non -...
Interview with Kirstyn from Standing Strong Together 3KND
Listen to Carolyn Cartwright (Managing Director) talk about Financial abuse in an interview with Kirstyn Lindsay (Standing Strong Together 3KND).
New Money Mob Staff
Lisa Vacamena Lisa has recently joined our team as a Community Engagement Officer utilising her background in Indigenous health and case management. Lisa will be travelling to some NT communities and town camps looking at Telco debt in these areas. She looks forward...
Loans and Phones Posters
Click on posters to enlarge
Submission made to the Senate Community Affairs Committee on Cashless Debit Cards
Sandra Marty (Board Member) and Carolyn Cartwright (Managing Director) made a submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Cashless Debit Card. Read the Submission