Dec 5, 2019 | News, Newsletter
From all of us here at MoneyMob, we thank you for a great year and Wish you a safe and Happy Christmas and New Years. Money Mob offices in Alice springs and Pukatja will be closed for 2 weeks over the Christmas break. We will be closed from: Monday 23rd December 2019...
Sep 26, 2019 | News, Newsletter
The MoneyMob Pukatja office has been a services SA agent for a few years now and we have recently been set up to accept payments from Anangu across the APY Lands. Our staff will be travelling with mobile payment devices and will assist Anangu where possible to connect...
May 20, 2019 | News, Newsletter
Trevor Cleland Trevor joined our team in May as the Financial Capability & No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) Officer. He has worked in Central Australia for many years and has a great knowledge of the community services sector. Trevor started his outreach visits to...
Apr 23, 2019 | News, Newsletter
We were happy to be part of the Westpac pop-up bank in April of this year. Westpac visited Indulkana, Mimili, Pukatja, Pipalyatjara, Kanpi and Amata assisting Anangu with new cards, new pin numbers and bank transfers. They also taught people internet banking and...
Mar 28, 2019 | News, Newsletter
Westpac will be visiting the APY Lands from 8 – 18 April to do a mobile banking service with Anangu. They will be able to help with; Updating personal details (name, address phone number) Opening and closing accounts Updating signatures Cards and online/phone...