Power Charging Begins in Yalata and Oak Valley

Apr 3, 2023 | Pawa Atunmankunytjaku

Nick and Lisa travelled to Yalata and Oak Valley in March to support the communities with the introduction of electricity prepayment. Due to covid restrictions and cultural business, it was our first visit back to these communities in over 12 months. We were very happy to see Dora and Denise who were ready to start work when we got there. 

We spent our first two days training the workers on how the smart meter works and how to pay for electricity. We were fortunate enough to recruit three new EEWs to the team in Yalata.

Yalata community commenced paying for power on 21 March 2023. The team spent the week in the community assisting Anangu with the transition. On Thursday we held a community BBQ with some delicious salads prepared by the Yalata Store.

The following week, Denise and Dora accompanied Nick and Lisa to Oak Valley for the commencement of charging. We visited all the houses and ensured that everyone was ready for the changes. We finished off the week with a BBQ lunch.

Nick and Lisa found out the hard way that the March flies are out in force in Yalata at this time of year. Make sure you don’t wear dark clothes, shorts or short sleeves, otherwise, you will be badly bitten!

Money Mob recently partnered with the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) to deliver information sessions to aged care residents in Atitjere, Ti Tree, Wilora, Willowra, Laramba, Yuelamu and Lajamanu.

Alongside the residents, staff and carers had a chance to learn skills in financial literacy, saving goals, debt, financial abuse, humbug and making informed decisions when spending.

We provide practical financial literacy training services for individuals to gain confidence and competence in essential financial life skills.

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Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

The Pawa Atunmankunytjaku team headed to Adelaide on Tuesday 27 June to present on everything we had learnt over the past three years. We were lucky to be joined by Dora, Denise and Irene who had made their own way from Yalata community to Adelaide. We attended a...