At the beginning of November, Nick, Lisa and Lucas joined Lynda and Mic from the RAES team and headed out to Oak Valley to speak with the community about the upcoming changes.
We spent the day with a stall set up outside the shop to chat with people and show them the videos and education posters to describe the changes. We listened to people’s concerns, answered questions and found out more about the Oak Valley Community. While speaking with us, people enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee in our pannikin mugs which they could then keep.
A big concern for people was how much it was going to cost them. With the data from the new smart meters now available to us, we were able to look up individual household electricity usage and give people an idea of how much they could expect to pay each week at their current rate of usage.
Later that afternoon, we hosted a BBQ at the school with a good turnout. This was another opportunity to engage with the community. Lisa spent time speaking to a group of women about the Energy Education Worker positions available. Hopefully we will have some people in Oak Valley who are interested in working with us!