Home Visits Begin in Mimili and Indulkana

Jul 27, 2021 | Pawa Atunmankunytjaku


We want to thank the Indulkana Community for their cooperation during the first round of household visits from the Energy Education Workers. Shane and Ruby from Indulkana, and Ruffie from Mimili did an amazing job, and spoke with over half of the households in the community over three days.

Some of the question raised by Indulkana Community members were:

  • “What happens if our power is cut off?” – Answer: We are coming out to keep training you mob in how to save power, and this includes how to budget or look after your money, so you can pay for power.
  • “Does everyone in the house have to pay for power?” – Answer: Yes, everyone has to pay for power if they live in your house (not including your children if they are still little kids). The EEWs will be coming back to visit you to help you learn about ways you can get your family or visitors to help pay for power.

We met daily at the CDP shed, and we would also like to thank Jarrod and Cathy for their kind hospitality; and for the home-cooked tasty lunches made by the CDP participants.

Once we finish the first round of house visits telling everyone that power-payment is coming, we will come back out and help household learn about the smart meter, how to use less power and to make sure you always have power in your house.


There are only a few houses in Mimili left to be visited by EEWs Ruffie, Dianne, Shane and Ruby. We are coming back out to Mimili in August to visit the remaining houses when the S.A. lockdown ends.

Everyone in Australia has to pay for power, and we are visiting every house in Mimili Community to let you all know how to pay for power. We will also be helping Mimili learn how to use the power card, and save money for your power.

We have to work around COVID-19 and sometimes our plans to visit communities change because of border closures, lockdowns, and waiting for approval to come back out can take some time.

Thank you to all those community households who helped us complete the housing surveys!

Money Mob recently partnered with the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) to deliver information sessions to aged care residents in Atitjere, Ti Tree, Wilora, Willowra, Laramba, Yuelamu and Lajamanu.

Alongside the residents, staff and carers had a chance to learn skills in financial literacy, saving goals, debt, financial abuse, humbug and making informed decisions when spending.

We provide practical financial literacy training services for individuals to gain confidence and competence in essential financial life skills.

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Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

The Pawa Atunmankunytjaku team headed to Adelaide on Tuesday 27 June to present on everything we had learnt over the past three years. We were lucky to be joined by Dora, Denise and Irene who had made their own way from Yalata community to Adelaide. We attended a...