At the beginning of July, we started off our first round of home visits in the APY Lands.
Thanks to the great work of our Energy Education Workers (EEWs), we have nearly completed the first round of home visits in Pipalyatjara, Kalka and Amata!
The first visit included showing residents a short video “The Story of our Electricity”, and going through a poster book to explain the changes that are coming. We also conducted a home energy survey with households to gain an understanding of people’s energy knowledge and what kinds of appliances people have in their homes. After the presentation and survey, each household received a pannikin mug as a thank you gift (see image below). They also received a flyer with condensed information on what was discussed. The pannikin mugs were a great surprise to the residents and everyone was very grateful for the gift.
Our visit schedule has been delayed slightly due to COVID-19 lockdowns in SA. As soon as the borders open up we will be back out engaging with the residents in Amata, Pipalyatjara, Kalka, Kanpi and Nypari.