Changes to some Centrelink payments in 2020

Dec 2, 2019 | News, Newsletter

In March 2020, a new JobSeeker payment will become the main payment for people who can work between 22 years of age to aged pension.

This payment is for people;

  • looking for work
  • prepared to meet mutual obligation requirements (activities)
  • have a job but can’t work or study due to sickness or injury
  • have recently lost a partner

The follow payment types will stop and people who receive these payments will now automatically move to the new JobSeeker payment;

  • Newstart Allowance
  • Wife Pension
  • Sickness Allowance
  • Widow B Pension
  • Bereavement Allowance

Depending on individual circumstances, some people may be moved to Aged Pension or Carer Payment. JobSeeker will be paid at the maximum benefit amount which will be shown on income statements after 20 March 2020 as ‘JobSeeker’ or ‘JSP’.

For more information, search ‘JobSeeker Payment’ on human services website

Money Mob recently partnered with the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) to deliver information sessions to aged care residents in Atitjere, Ti Tree, Wilora, Willowra, Laramba, Yuelamu and Lajamanu.

Alongside the residents, staff and carers had a chance to learn skills in financial literacy, saving goals, debt, financial abuse, humbug and making informed decisions when spending.

We provide practical financial literacy training services for individuals to gain confidence and competence in essential financial life skills.

Interested in learning more about our training services?
Get in touch with our friendly service providers for more information.

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Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

Project Wrap Up in Adelaide

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