Superannuation Success!

Jul 5, 2018 | News

The Super Big Day Out in May with ASIC, MoneyMob and First Nations Foundation was a big hit with Anangu.  Around 500 super searches were done during the week in Indulkana, Mimili, Fregon, Pukatja and Amata.  Many Anangu had the chance to learn about, apply for, update and consolidate their super.  The funds that took part were Australian Super, HESTA, Super SA, Prime Super and QSuper.  There were also staff from the Australian Taxation Office, Austrac, the Department of Human Services, ASIC and Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement.

MoneyMob sincerely thanks everyone who took part – it was a fantastic group of people, and through your hard work we ran a wonderful event for Anangu.  We can’t wait to work with you again!  In particular, a huge thank you to the amazing Della Pearce, from Aboriginal Interpreter Service N.T., and Ingrid Kenny, both of whom worked tirelessly to make sure we could all understand one another.

Many of the people from the Super funds had never been to remote communities before. Here is what some of them had to say about their trip;

Darryl, Nathan Boyle (ASIC), Della Pearce and Tyrone Ko in Fregon

“I’ve worked in Superannuation for around 35 years, predominantly in the Northern Territory where I regularly visit the major urban centres and the occasional community throughout the NT.
Attending the Superannuation Outreach program through the APY Lands is up 
there with some of the most rewarding experiences in my superannuation career.  Unfortunately, extremely limited services and conditions in remote communities are not an uncommon situation to me, and we were lucky that we had the recently installed technology to allow us to help people while we were there.

I sincerely hope that these programs continue.  I am a proud, long term Territorian, and it was amazing to find that the first person that I sat down with, Max in Indulkana, was a man that I went to primary school with at Traeger Park Primary School in Alice Springs back in the mid 1970’s. I am trying to find some old school photos of the 2 of us to send to Max”
Darryl Florance, Australian Super

“It is difficult to express how meaningful the expo was at both a personal level and also as someone who can effect changes within the fund I work at. While I was certainly happy to assist many of our members, it has spurred me on to really challenge our processes and rules to better accommodate these members, and many others. I have an infinitely greater appreciation for not only the circumstances that the Anangu face but also for the agencies that work directly with them to achieve a better future.”
Tyrone Ko, Australian Super


Husna (HESTA), Carolyn & Ingrid (MoneyMob) and Dee at Umuwa

“For myself this week was a confronting but rewarding once in a life time experience. I’m glad we managed to help the Anangu’s private and public money story to help empower them for their future. I think everyone should experience how different people live and this trip certainly provided this. It reminded us, life isn’t always easy and there aren’t always easy solutions to everything in life. However, this shouldn’t stop you in making small steps forward and helping and empowering anyone you can. 45 hours of driving in 7 days – well worth every minute to ensure we could complete a years’ worth of work for such beautiful communities.”
Dee Eldridge, HESTA





Katie with lots of super give-aways!

“I was so privileged to go on this super outreach and meet the Anangu people. It was a life changing trip I will never forget. The trip helped me to better understand how ASIC can help people in remote Indigenous communities with their super. Carolyn and the team at MoneyMob do an important and amazing job helping local people with money matters and they have inspired me to come back and learn more.”

Katie Davis-Hall-Watson, ASIC’s MoneySmart



Money Mob recently partnered with the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) to deliver information sessions to aged care residents in Atitjere, Ti Tree, Wilora, Willowra, Laramba, Yuelamu and Lajamanu.

Alongside the residents, staff and carers had a chance to learn skills in financial literacy, saving goals, debt, financial abuse, humbug and making informed decisions when spending.

We provide practical financial literacy training services for individuals to gain confidence and competence in essential financial life skills.

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